Dental Surgeons
Quality dental care for the whole family provided in a very modern environment.
Safety and hygiene form an integral part of treatment, and patient satisfaction is of primary concern. Treatment offered includes:
- Restorative
- Fillings
- Root oral treatments
- Crowns
- Bridges
- Prosthetic – Dentures
- Orthodontic – Removable braces
- Cosmetic
- Tooth bleaching
- Tooth jewels
Dental Clinic
We make no compromise where quality of care is concerned, and we aim to consistently provide a high standard of care in all aspects of dentistry. Our dental chair is ergonomically designed with patient comfort in mind, and we follow the current trend in using disposable equipment whenever possible. Non-disposable instruments are sterilised in a vacuum autoclave, which is the latest advance in sterilisation standards. A collimated X-Ray machine situated at the chairside enables the taking of radiographs in the comfort of the dental chair, whilst reducing the amount of harmful scattered radiation to a minimum.
Direct Digital Ortho-Pantomograph
The latest technology of digital X-Rays for dental application takes an X-Ray of all your teeth (full face X-Ray) at the lowest possible dose. This system allows for the best fit of Dental Implants.